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Keyboard Shortcuts

This is a handy reference for all the keyboard shortcuts available in the editor:

Outline and Editorctrl+hToggle whether selected scene is secret
Outline and Editorshift+enterNew Scene Below
Outline and Editorctrl/cmd+shift+enterNew Chapter Below
Outline and Editor#Attach tag to selected scene
Outline and Editor@Attach tag to selected scene and insert name in text
Editorctrl/cmd+enterSplit Scene at Cursor
Editorctrl+commaAdd todo at cursor
Editorctrl/cmd+bMark selected text as bold
Editorctrl/cmd+iMark selected text as italic
Editorctrl/cmd+uMark selected text as underlined
Editorctrl/cmd+shift+sMark selected text as strikethrough
To-dosescapeConfirm todo and switch keyboard focus back to editor

We are planning to expand this as keyboard interactions can make it so much easier to look up text without breaking out of the flow of typing. Let us know if there are any shortcuts that would make your life easier.